Who we are
Our Mission
At St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, we are a vibrant, multicultural, Catholic community united under one Baptism in Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to inviting and supporting every member of our parish to encounter Christ anew every day through prayer, the Sacraments, and humble service. We strive to bring to life the words of our mission:
“Place God first in all things. Preach the Gospel and glorify Him by our lives. Love and serve as Christ.”
Working together, we aspire to build a strong parish community where all feel welcome, all belong, and all are inspired by God’s Word to be Jesus’ disciples, transforming those we meet through our faith, hope and love in Christ.
our history
Meet OUR clergy

Msgr. David LeSieur
Priestly Ordination: Dec. 11, 1976
Fr. Rodolphe Balthazar
Associate Pastor
Priestly Ordination: Jun. 29, 2000
Fr. Keith Higginbotham
Associate Pastor
Priestly Ordination: May 26, 2018

Deacon Sergio Aguilar
Deacon Rob Brothers
Deacon Arturo Castrejón
Deacon José Fabio Cruz
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022
Diaconate Ordination: November 17, 2012
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022

Deacon Silvestre Duran
Deacon Dan Grelle
Deacon Larry Grelle
Deacon Arturo Hernandez
Diaconate Ordination: November 17, 2012
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022

Deacon Ronnie Hoyt
Deacon Byron Newton
Deacon Tom Parks
Deacon John Pate
Diaconate Ordination: November 17, 2012
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022
Diaconate Ordination: June 25, 2022
Diaconate Ordination: December 14, 2002
Meet OUR Staff

Raydele Klostermier
Gloria Morse
Sandra Dominguez
Eva Velazquez
Parish Manager
Pastoral Assistant
Finance, Administration & HR

Deacon Larry Grelle
Rosario Castrejón
Susie Hollmann
Chandi Owen
Baptisms in Spanish
Baptisms in English

Fernando Serrano
María Tolan
Melody Hoyt
Jessica Sanchez
Adult Faith Formation
Marriage Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Sacramental Registrar

Suzie Perry
Lorena Herrera
Pablo Aguilar
Brenda Parrill
Youth Faith Formation
Youth Faith Formation K-7
Youth Faith Formation 8-12
Youth Faith Formation K-12

Sandra Sanchez
Jonathon Coppick
Lourdes Montgomery
Steve Smith
Marketing, Communications & Scheduling
Scheduling: scheduler@svdprogers.com
Liturgical Music
Contemporary Youth Music

Tom DeRose
Paul Bushnell
Dave Turner
Francisco Jeronimo
Facilities Management
Campus Custodian
Campus Maintenance
Church Custodian

Alicia Gamboa
Eduardo Rojas
Kareen Turner
School Custodian
School Custodian
Rectory Housekeeper